WOE - man  

Posted by: Juan Marco

It was biblically written that in the beginning women was cursed because of the sin brought by Eve to Adan. They are to live subaltern to men, they have to bear the pain of conceiving and rearing a child, and in older times they are second class citizens. No voice and representation in the community, no right to suffrage, and in extreme cases a home-confined slave and sex object.

Looking back then, there has been an obvious evolution of that practices. Women nowadays are almost equal players of men in all aspect of life and society. They are now leaders of businesses, government and various institutions, a famous entertainment personalities, great writers and advocates. Cory Aquino, Gloria Arroyo, Oprah Winfrey, Sarah Palin, J.KRowlings, Queen Sheon Dok (lol) to mention a few.

Apparently today, women are as great as men. But on the deeper side, they are "greater" than men. The curse was cast out long ago when Mary was chosen to bear Jesus. Behind every rise and fall of a men, there's always a women behind him. She may be weak but she's inconspicuously powerful. She may always be aggravated by men and may always cry but she has the charisma of being longed for above else. She completes a man.

Thank God for the women. We can't live without them (wink!wink!) :=). Hats off to you women, when we say "I give up" you always give us a string of hope by saying "it's not that bad". You may know less compared to us, but you can surely understand more!

Geniuses are born.. .. writers are made  

Posted by: Juan Marco

I still recall a striking line from my teacher during my first day in journalism subject in my second year in high school, I'm little passive that time when i heard her said that "geniuses are born but writers are made". Not until I started my first blog that i appreciated that byword from my teacher.

Reading post from my fellow blogger of real day to day experiences, love hurts and felicities, stories of success, political views and even outburst of emotions have made me realized that indeed writers are made. I've noticed that those blogger who has been writing frequently has developed different style in writing in terms of topic selection, presentation of ideas and catching attention of readers. Although grammar usage is a common flaw (including me).

As much important as speaking, writing has been our primary medium of communication. In school you're required to write anything to enhance your writing skills, but you are evaluated as passed or failed depending the outcome of your grind. In work, depending on the nature of your job you are required to write with technicalities, your style will have the consequence of attracting or repelling clients.

Good thing that BLOGGING came to existence, It's a safe haven for those who want to developed their writing skills. Express your emotions, be critical, spread a news accomplishments, learn from others and have a refuge of frustrations and disappointment... Have a past time that develops something in you... BLOG!

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